Our Activities

The Benefits of Physical Activities for Kids During Early Childhood Development

Any parent or caregiver will probably agree that letting a child run around and play throughout the day benefits everyone – and there is plenty of science that backs this up! Studies demonstrate time and time again that children who are more active on a daily basis tend to act out less and have an easier time focusing on important tasks including school work.

Art and music are critical for our kids. the benefits are incredible. Art and music exposure does more than provide a creative outlet for kids; they provide mental, emotional, and educational benefits .

By exploring different activities and ways of learning with your child you can see which learning methods suit them best, as well as where their passion lies.

Learn Solfeggio

The basics of solfeggio for children are more focused on musical notation. Young students are encouraged to record melodies more often through audio perception. Musical signs are studied in the most detailed way in different octaves, singing skills are stimulated, since the voice is not yet fully formed. In notebooks, young listeners write down musical dictations using special signs that determine the tonality and intensity of playback.

Learn Piano

The piano is one of the most recognizable and popular instruments from the 18th century to the punderstanding, speech, thinking improves. During classes, studying musical parts, the child learns to expand his horizons, flexibility of thinking and logic. At the initial stages of getting to know the instrument, studying the notes, their sounding and in further learning, new neural connections are formed in children, which affects abstract thinking and creativity.

Violin Learning & Training


An exquisite opportunity to teach a child to play this refined instrument and instil a love for the beautiful music.

a group of ballet dancers in a dance class
a group of ballet dancers in a dance class


Ballet for children is one of the most graceful and graceful forms of dance art. Ballet is called the basic basic alphabet of dance. Having mastered its elements, the child can further improve himself in any other direction of dance creativity.

Young Chess Player

Chess is a classic board game that develops logic, discipline and memory. Since olden times, chess has been considered an art, the skill of which is learned throughout life. Since chess is not only a chain of correct decisions, it is also a competition in which the mind wins. While playing chess, your child will develop imagination from an early age, because he will need to see different variants of moves, come up with new strategies that will lead to victory.

Rhythmic Gymnastics

The advantages of rhythmic gymnastics for children are improving physical fitness. Correct posture is formed. Health promotion. Systematic exercise strengthens the muscles, the spine (eliminating curvature) and enhances immunity. Building a strong character. Purposefulness, resistance to stress, resilience, endurance, as well as self-control are developed.

Art lab & Hand Crafts

This is a space for bold experiments and self-realization in different types of art. A child is a little discoverer who is constantly growing, developing, changing, learning new things and never sitting still. Each child is a separate world with its own feelings, emotions and impressions. Children’s creativity has a peculiarity. A child, engaged in some kind of creativity, thinks, compares, imagines.


Judo is a soft, unstressed form of martial arts, suitable even for pre-schoolers. And here’s the benefits of judo in kindergarten: Strengthens bones and muscles, minimizes the risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies. An effective remedy in the fight against excess weight.Will teach discipline. During training, conversations are prohibited, and you cannot run around the gym either.


Football is useful and plays a huge role in the physical and psychological development of the child. Most workouts are done outdoors, allowing you to: strengthen the immune system and muscles; improve coordination of movements and quickness of reactions; solve problems with excess weight and strengthen the vestibular apparatus; develop endurance In addition, the child receives proper communication among peers.

Acting Skills

Theatre Arts for Kids is a challenging musical theatre arts program specially geared toward the young, aspiring performer interested in learning about, participating in, and producing musical theatre.

Mental Arithmetic

The mental arithmetic program promotes the development of mental capabilities and creativity using arithmetic calculations: If your children learn mental arithmetic, they will be able to solve the following problems: Insufficient progress in learning, difficulties with reading and writing, poor memory, lack of faith in their abilities, lack of energy and enthusiasm to learn something new, poor logical and creative thinking, inability to focus on details.


Karate is the ideal sport for kids for building self-confidence, balance, co-ordination, discipline and courtesy, while learning basic self-defense skills. The majority of our classes cater for children aged 5 years and up, however we also conduct classes for 3-4 year old's in selected venues. Karate offers a colored belt system where all students start at White belt and work up through different colors (Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Red, Brown, Black Tip and finally, Black belt).


The benefits of swimming extend to other areas of life and allow kids to socialize, play and explore with their friends and family. More Confidence, Improved Focus, Higher Cognitive Performance, Improved Social Skills, Alternatives For Kids With Asthma, Improved Physical Fitness, It’s Affordable, Higher Quality Sleep, Better Mood, and Increased Safety.


Recycling is the process of taking materials ready to be thrown away and converting (changing) them into reusable materials. Only certain products, including paper, plastic, glass, and metal, can be recycled, and the process of recycling is different for each material.

Little Chefs

Contributing in the kitchen has many benefits for children’s skill development: Encourages positive food attitudes. Improves food choices. Nurtures a sense of well-being. Teaches food preparation skills. Develops a lifelong enjoyment of cooking Introduces, and improves acceptance of, new foods. Develops creativity. Teaches problem-solving. Improves literacy (vocabulary, basic reading). Reinforces math skills (measuring). Teaches science (solids, liquids, mixed foods)